Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations is a belief at the heart of what we do at The Federation. To truly progress as a species, we must learn to embrace the differences in others. We believe it is in those differences in culture, talents and interests that mankind can overcome any obstacle. When we learn to listen and embrace all sides, we can make wondrous things happen.
The Federation is proud and honored to have TAB as an official Federation department, getting the full support and benefits of a franchise in the organization.
Over several years there has been an outcry over the issue of bullying. Adults and Kids are being bullied for things that, in most cases, are outside their control. Trekkers Against Bully has been an organization dedicated in eradicating Toxic Fandom in the Universe for over 10 years. But unfortunately, there is a war going on right now of finger-pointing and blaming others for the causes of these many issues. On one side, we have people saying that bullies are responsible for the travesties they cause and the mean, hurtful things they say. On another side, we have some people that say that blame lies on the parents of either the or the bullied because of their lack of teaching propriety or teaching to take things people say with a grain of salt. And yet another group of people says the blame lies squarely on the shoulders of the one being bullied, to begin with, for making themselves a target.
As Star Trek fans, who have probably been so long before we can remember, we cannot forget the days of being called nerds, geeks, and other such names that I will refrain from using, as the list could be endless. Look at the fact that Star Trek, throughout its many incarnations, has gone on to show a brighter world where this does not happen. Differences are respected, tolerated, and even encouraged from the very beginning, with having a black woman as an officer of the bridge, to her kiss with the captain to the inclusion of multiple different races, creeds, religions, sexes, and preferences being welcomed into the United Federation of Planets. Star Trek has pushed the limits and has been cheered for it. One of the cornerstones of our organization is Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations!
Star Trek preaches this emphatically. Teasing, bullying, and pushing people around aren’t tolerated. The Federation makes it a point to come to the defense of those that are bullied and who are bullied and stand people. Each series of captains have, in one way or the other, making it a point to stand in the way of a phaser or a torpedo to come to the defense or aid of those persecuted. Prime Directive be damned!
Here at TAB, we all agree that differences are to be respected. We all agree that bullying is wrong. We all agree that Star Trek has not only helped culture this but, in many cases, exposed us to the reality that everyone is different. People should be judged on their character and actions, not their looks, race, sex, age, or preference. This is what we stand for. We hope for this, and our goal is to rally those with like minds…
TAB is locking for those who would like to be involved in the organization if you are a survivor , Present Victim or a Supporter , all are invited to continue this battle to eradicate Toxic Fandom, not just in the Star Trek Genre but any Science Fiction Genre.
For More Information Go to our Facebook Pages at Trekkers Against Bullying or our website at http://www.tabnation.org